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This technical report was authored by the principal of RER Renewable Energy Research when he was an employee of GPCo Inc.
Work paid for by the Photovoltaics and Hybrid Systems Program at the CETC-Varennes (Natural Resources Canada) with partial funding from the Panel on Energy Research and Development (PERD).
Turcotte, Dave, Michael M. D. Ross, and Farah Sheriff. "Photovoltaic Hybrid System Sizing and Simulation Tools: Status and Needs". Proceedings of PV Horizon: Workshop on Photovoltaic Hybrid Systems, Montreal, Qc, September 10, 2001.
A wide variety of tools, ranging from simple rules of thumb to sophisticated software packages, exist for the analysis and dimensioning of stand-alone photovoltaic systems. System designers and installers use the simpler tools for sizing. Scientists and engineers typically use more involved simulation tools for optimisation.
Numerous software tools exist, but it is sometimes difficult to assess the adequacy of these tools for specific tasks. Accuracy requirements are different for prefeasibility analysis, system design, optimisation and R&D. In addition, input and output requirements are affected by the information known about the system configuration, which changes as the project advances.
This paper presents the current status of PV system software tools by surveying and categorising some of the most common programs available today. Following this, it assesses the needs for future development in simulation and sizing software.
Keywords: Software, status, simulation, sizing
Created 2007/03/06 Updated 2007/03/07 ©2007 RER Renewable Energy Research